New South Institute

Strengthening Delicate Democracies by Building Effective and Accountable Institutions

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An Analysis of Migration Governance Frameworks in West Africa

The New South Institute (NSI) is pleased to announce the publication of “An Analysis of Migration Governance Frameworks in West Africa: The Role of ECOWAS in Facilitating Free Movement and Regional Integration”, the latest addition to the Migration Governance Reform in Africa Program (MIGRA). Authored by Victor Amadi, this article continues our series that provides a comprehensive examination of migration governance issues across Africa, with a specific focus on the crucial role of ECOWAS in shaping migration policies and regional integration.

Our Impact

NSI’s purpose is to provide evidence-based policy and applied research on complex problems of government in delicate democracies. We will judge our success on whether our insights and recommendations lead to actions by government to improve performance of state institutions and the other cornerstone institutions of democracy.

Our Projects

NSI provides evidence-based policy and applied research on complex problems of government in emergent democracies. NSI’s team has deep expertise in research, policy and advocacy. We currently run six research programmes. All adopt a common approach characterised by a focus on institutions and how to build them, research that brings theory and practise together, both in-country and comparatively, and an emphasis on working through partnerships with those who must implement the change. Our big data capability and analytics adds significant value to our research.

Our Aim

The New South Institute (NSI) is not simply a research institute and policy advisory - though we are excellent at that. The NSI believes that people with passion can change the world by building democracies and capable governments - especially in fragile democracies that live with challenges of state capture, social fragmentation and civil war. This is what we call the New South.



NSI is dedicated to winning important arguments in the public domain by organising and participating in a diversity of events: conferences, lectures, webinars and interviews, both face-to-face and online.


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